
Anhänger СветЛ SwetL-K

A fundamentally new solution has been found-combining in one product two carriers that are most suitable as a platform for the Generator – Silicon and Silver. Specially designed and created for a specific task, a silicon element (a plate of the calculated size) is embedded in a silver Pendant with the help of a certain technology, and this unified design becomes an almost ideal carrier platform for the "Light" Generator. At the same time, the carrier platform of the Generator is Silicon, and Silver here becomes a kind of adapter and amplifier.

As a result, 28 guides (clockwise and counterclockwise), located at an angle of 36.6 degrees, the use of the proportions of the Golden section in the construction of each element of the pendant, and, of course, the new platform – all this in General allowed us to turn the new carrier into a single, most appropriate design, where each element is in its place and each element plays its significant role.

Functionally, the "Light-K" Complexes for Adults, as well as the "Light" silver Bracelets, have a Single functional allotment:

It increases the creative and mental potential, promotes better assimilation of information and perception of educational material, and ensures the harmonious development of a person. Increases emotional and mental stability. Creates conditions for neutralizing the negative energy-informational impact and the influence of negative emotional background.

It protects against negative environmental factors, energy-informational influences and radiation from electrical devices, and increases emotional and mental stability. Supports people engaged in sports, leading an active lifestyle, promotes rapid and high-quality recovery of the body after physical exertion.

At children's Complexes "Svetl-K", the established program "Svetl" independently chooses the priority direction of influence depending on, as a rule, the unconscious needs of the child at a particular time.

Some points of practical application of the "Light-K" Complex»

Activation of the "Light" Program installed on the "Light-K" Complex»:
The user must independently take the "Light-K" complex in the form of a pendant in the palm of his left hand, hold the Pendant in the palm of his hand for 60 seconds and then put the Pendant on his neck.
If it is not possible to do the above independently (a child, an elderly person, etc.), the Assistant performs the necessary actions for the User, without touching the "Light-K" Complex itself until the activation is completed.

After activation, the action of the "Light" Program installed on the "Light-K" Complex is not affected by accidental touches of other people and / or animals, mechanical damage, high temperatures, chemically active substances, x-rays and other types of radiation. However, it is worth remembering that this is a personal item, and it is not intended for mass demonstration, experiments, or use by other people. Mechanical, thermal, chemical and other types of impacts can only lead to a violation of the integrity and deterioration of the appearance of the carrier.

A cord for wearing The complex on the neck is provided in the set with the "Svetl-K" Complex. This cord, if desired, can be replaced with your own silver chain. The chain can be of any type and size.


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